Smart digital printing capabilities of the latest generation

Initial situation

The latest artificial intelligence technology, in combination with blockchain processes, offers new ways to securely handle the production of packaging and its inspection, thus counteracting the piracy of goods and their packaging. The blockchain offers a technically tamper-proof environment based on an irreversible digital data chain that is processed and managed by decentralized computers.

Based on artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, we offer Oculus Guard, a web-based and modular addition to your printing processes. Oculus Guard opens up unique possibilities that not only counteract counterfeiting, but also provide efficient ways and processes to check products and packaging for authenticity.


Oculus Guard is built on groundbreaking blockchain and AI technology and offers modular applications to produce exceptional printed products. These breakthrough technologies offer new approaches and opportunities for print products and marketing concepts.

Oculus Guard also enables the generation and integration of AI-based security graphics that can be processed during packaging design. Each individually generated security graphic is visually "unique" with its own visual DNA which is stored on the blockchain in a tamper-proof manner!

Generation of AI-based, mathematical or pixel-based generative graphics
Optional link with blockchain # and smart contract
Branded" smartphone APP FOR AI image recognition and smart counterfeit detection

The right solution for every need

Each module can be individually integrated into your digital print production chain.


Generative AI Graphic Elements

The web application can be used to automatically generate any number of AI-based security graphics based on a mathematical algorithm or a pixel graphic. This groundbreaking technology opens up extraordinary application possibilities.
Use Cases.


Blockchain Processing

Each individually generated security graphic is visually "unique" and can be linked to a hash code in the blockchain. In addition, a smart contract can be generated in the blockchain for the created series. This can be supplemented with any information on the product, manufacturer or supply chain.


Smartphone "Fake check" & Info App

Instead of investing in costly hardware testing equipment, we generate a brand-specific smartphone app (IOS/Android) for you that not only serves to check the authenticity of your goods and packaging, but can also be integrated into innovative marketing concepts as an information tool. You can provide this white-label app to your accredited distributors, testing agencies or end consumers via the Apple and Google Play app stores.


In a live presentation we explain the process flow and the functionality of OCULUS GUARD.