Counterfeiting - the billion dollar industry that affects us all

Illegal trade in counterfeit and pirated goods poses a major challenge to the innovation-driven global economy. It harms economic growth, encourages organized crime, and undermines the proper rule of law. Oculus Guard offers innovative, modular tools to counteract this development. 

Module 1 | Generative AI Graphic Elements
AI-based graphic elements are automatically integrated into any location on your packaging and generated in any quantity. The AI-generated graphic elements can be processed during the printing process - in this example in the form of mathematical wave graphics. Each package is thus given its own graphical DNA - no two packages are alike.

Module 2 | Blockchain Security
Each AI-generated graphic element is stored as an NFT# in the blockchain and linked to a tamper-proof smart contract.

Modul 3 | White Label "FAKE CHECK" App
The white-label smartphone app gives sales partners the ability to seamlessly check goods and packaging and their production and delivery routes. In addition to AI image recognition, a comprehensive and customized inspection logic can be stored for the inspection process.  


Rip-off with fake event tickets

Tickets not received, grossly inflated prices, tickets for events that don't even exist, or poor customer service. There are many dangers associated with buying tickets online. Oculus Guard counteracts this problem and offers extensive options for providing tickets with innovative verification logic to ensure ownership and authenticity.

Module 1 | Generative AI CODES
Based on generative logic, standalone QR code-like AI graphics can be generated and processed in the ticket printing process. Each event ticket thus has its own identity, or its own tamper-proof AI verification code.

Modul 2 | NFT Smart Contract
The generated AI codes can optionally be encrypted with a custom NFT# smart contract and sold and securely traded on a blockchain-based NFT trading platform. In addition to the authenticity of the tickets, the buyer is offered a complete, transparent and forgery-proof transaction history. .

Module 3 | White Label "FAKE CHECK" Appp
Consumers and event organizers have the opportunity to use a white-label smartphone app to efficiently and sustainably check the authenticity of tickets. During the check process, a comprehensive and customized check logic can be stored, such as Blockchain Buyer ID Check.

Innovative NFT marketing actions

NFT Memes as a Marketing Tool for Community Building

Memes is a word that is used in the world of crypto art and refers to popular digital NFT collectible graphics. Memes can be collected and shared on NFT platforms and are an innovative way to activate customer groups and support brand image with iconic collectible graphics.

Module 1 | Generative NFT Graphic Elements
On the basis of a generative NFT logic, memes can be automatically generated with any number of visual elements.
Each package, in this example a beverage cap, can be tagged with a meme label and a "minting" code. 

Module 2 | NFT Smart Contract
The meme set is encrypted with an NFT Smart Contract and published on any NFT collection and trading platform such as Open Sea. Buyers can redeem, collect, swap or trade the meme graphic on the defined NFT Crypto Art platform by means of a "minting" code that is attached to each graphic.

Each "minting" code is unique and serves as a key in the crypto world to accredit and personalize an NFT.


Transparency in food production

There are over 350 food additives approved in the European Union. They perform various tasks in industrially produced foods and are classified as harmless. However, it is not possible to print all the information on the packaging without gaps.

The following application example creates transparency for the consumer and lists the information requested by the producer, using a white-label smartphone app and label image recognition.

Module 1 | Generative Graphic Labels
Based on a visual database, brand and product labels can be recognized and linked to a complementary and arbitrary amount of information.

Module 3 | White Label App
The buyer scans the product label using the white-label app and can access and read the relevant production information on their smartphone.

Counterfeit-proof AI vouchers

Fatal gaps in the checking system

The system seems secure at first glance. Each voucher has its own code or includes tamper-proof elements. But there is a catch: The whole system is based on the assumption that a voucher exists only once. In practice, however, there are still POS systems that are not networked and dynamically updated in real time. Another problem is the widespread supply of testing devices, some of which are expensive, which makes it easy for potential fraudsters. Oculus Guard offers innovative solutions to counteract this problem and ensure the highest possible security standard in the production of vouchers.

Module 1 | Generative AI Graphic Elements
AI-based graphic elements are integrated into any area of the voucher. These can then be linked on the voucher series and further processed in the printing process - in this example in the form of mathematical sine graphics. Each voucher is thus given its own graphical DNA - no two vouchers are alike.

Module 2 | Blockchain Security
Each AI-generated graphic element is stored as an NFT# in the blockchain and linked in a tamper-proof smart contract. 

Module 3 | White Label "FAKE CHECK" App
Chain stores have the opportunity to use their own white-label smartphone app to perform a cost-efficient, networked, real time voucher check. In addition to AI image recognition, a comprehensive and customized inspection logic can be stored for the inspection process.